This is the 2002 Allstate Commercial featuring Julian Lennon covering "When I'm Sixty-Four".
From I've found a quote from Julian and one from Paul McCartney about Julian's recording this song for the commercial. Julian says, "It's funny how all my life I have been asked to record John Lennon songs and impersonate my father, now out of the blue, I get a request to sing a Beatles song. When I'm 64, originally recorded by Paul, is a song that I never imagined myself performing, but because the idea was so quirky and the fact that I saw a great deal of humor in doing it, I thought - why not!"
Paul says, "It's a dumb move on the publishing company's part because I don't think it helps the songs in the long run. But if anybody's going to do it I'd rather it be Julian. I've got to laugh at that."
See also: Julian's former classmate Lucy O'Donnell Vodden of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" fame dies
Photo: Copyright 2009 Todd Meagher |